Since its launch in November 2015, Fresh is the Word has been a documentation of for sorts for music/pop culture journalist Kelly “K-Fresh” Frazier, as they journey through their love of music and pop culture, as well as using this platform to share they growth on topics important to women, people of color and the LGBTQ community through the artistic lens of pop culture. As an ever evolving podcast, K-Fresh is going back to his roots focusing more on the music artists they are passionate about from the past and present. From the classic hip-hop artists they grew up on, to the new faces of dance, and from the metal bands they’ve long appreciated to the indie pop artist stealing their heart, Fresh is the Word aims to tell the stories of those who need their contributions to music known, while also exposing their audience to the next artists to watch out for (sometimes before they blow up!).
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The guest for this episode is Detroit-based composer, pianist, and vocalist Vanessa Cuccia to talk about her debut album This is a Spell. I came across Vanessa’s music earlier this year when a mutual friend shared her single “Ode to Body” on Instagram. I really liked the song, but when I heard the full album and learned more about her, I definitely wanted to meet her and have her on the podcast. This is actually Vanessa’s first podcast interview about her music has she has already made successful waves in the world with her company Chakrubs, her natural crystal sex toy company (which has been featured on Conan, Playboy TV, Nylon, Teen Vogue, among other publications). Cuccia also runs Freque Magazine, described as “combining FREQUEncies of art, music, and culture through a lens of spirituality”.
Between her music and the interviews I watched beforehand, I very much related to her experiences that would go into the creation of Chakrubs and into the heart of her music. During our conversation, we talked about her musical beginnings, how all of her projects lend in service of each other, the making of This is a Spell along with a track-by-track breakdown, and so much more. This is a Spell is one of my favorite albums of 2021 and Vanessa Cuccia is a wealth of positive energy and spirit.
Stream/Purchase: This is a Spell
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Courtesy of STEVE O. Check out more music at
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